Join a NAHC Committee or Advisory Council for 2023!!

The National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) Board of Directors will select members to serve on committees soon. Committee appointments are for one year and are subject to reappointment from year to year. Advisory Council appointment and terms vary depending on each Council’s guidelines. Submit your application TODAY!

When applying, be sure to include:
  • Advisory council or committee of interest
  • Describe your expertise and qualifications
  • Copy of your current resume.

Candidates’ applications will be presented to the NAHC Board of Directors for consideration and appointment.

Why Join? 

Committees and Advisory Councils are among the most important forces a membership organization has because they harness our biggest strength— our membership working together.

  • Grow Your Network. Develop organization, community, and industry relationships with like-minded people who share your passion and desire to improve personally and professionally.
  • Develop Your Leadership Skills. You do not have to be the committee chair to demonstrate your leadership. You can show you know what it takes to complete the job through active participation, leading initiatives, and teamwork.
  • Gain NEW Industry Insights. Take a step outside your day-to-day by collaborating with colleagues and community leaders with varying degrees of expertise. Then, take your new leadership, planning, and communication skills back to your organization to level up your career.
  • Pay it Forward. By contributing your time and expertise, feel connected to advancing the industry’s mission. Committees can engage members in the development and delivery of services, represent member opinion in decision-making, and help add value to the member experience.

Committee & Council FAQs

Committee? Advisory Council? What’s the Difference?

NAHC Committees are appointed by the NAHC Board of Directors and attend to some of the core functions within the operations of the association. NAHC Committee appointments are made and confirmed at the February Meeting of the NAHC Board of Directors. Committee Member appointments are for one year. Terms begin in March of each year and go until the Board confirms the next slate of appointments. 

NAHC’s Advisory Councils include members who provide insights, expertise, and input to the NAHC Board of Directors. They discuss issues of relevance to the specific Council to help guide the organization toward its stated mission by providing recommendations to the NAHC Board. Advisory Council terms are for one year. Advisory Council selections are determined within the respective advisory council guidelines. Terms begin in April each year and continue until the following slate of advisory council members is selected. A NAHC staff person will is assigned to each advisory Council. 

When can I apply?

NAHC issues its call for committees and advisory board volunteers in mid to late December each year, and the application window will go from mid- to late January. Notices specific to the year will be shared via the NAHC Website, NAHC Report, and NAHC Community postings and on social media. If you have any questions, please get in touch with Raul Suarez.

Who can apply?

All Members of the Association in good standing may apply to participate in one or more NAHC Committees or Advisory Councils.

What do I need to submit for consideration?

Interested members should visit the online committee/advisory council application portal to:

  • Indicate the advisory Council or committee of their choice. 
  • Submit a written statement indicating any previous experience on a NAHC committee or advisory Council. 
  • In addition, members should describe their expertise and qualifications, which prompts the committee/advisory council application.  
  • A copy of their CV or resume. 
  • The committee appointments are made by the NAHC Board Chair, subject to the majority approval of the entire Board of Directors. Advisory Council selections are determined within the respective advisory council guidelines.

When do Terms Begin and End?

Committee Member Terms begin in March of each year and go until the Board confirms the next slate of appointments. Advisory Council terms begin in April of each year and go until the next state of selections is made by the leadership of each group. 

NAHC Committees, Advisory Councils, and Tasks Forces

NAHC Committees

Audit Committee: This Committee shall conduct an annual review and oversee the organization’s annual audit, provide any needed answers to Board questions related to the annual audit, and communicate audit findings to the board. The Committee shall make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding the selection of an outside auditor for the Association and ensure the validity of the annual audit. The NAHC Board of Directors shall approve the engagement of the independent Audit Firm. The audit committee shall oversee and evaluate the audit process, meet with the auditor to review its content and present the audit to the full board for its review and acceptance. The Finance Committee and staff members shall not be eligible to serve on the Audit Committee.

Executive Evaluation and Compensation Committee: This Committee shall set annual performance objectives and compensation for the President, evaluate the President’s performance, and ensure appropriate succession planning. The Committee may contract external consultants for benchmarking and research support. The Committee is responsible for negotiating and recommending the President’s Employment Contract to the Board of Directors and any modifications for Board input.

Finance Committee: This committee shall review and make recommendations to the Board on all financial matters of the Association, including determining and collecting dues and formulating and implementing the budget. The Finance Committee shall oversee financial planning, record keeping, and annual audit; ensure assets are protected and anticipate financial challenges; draft organizational fiscal policies; and provide transparent reporting and understanding among the full Board.

Governance and Nominating Committee: This Committee shall ensure sustainable governance of the Association, including the makeup and interpretation of the Bylaws, oversee the recruitment, nomination, and election of the elected directors, oversee the recruitment, nomination, and selection of the six appointed directors, maintain an appropriate balance of representation of members on the Board through nominations and appointments, nominate board officers, conduct annual Board and individual Director evaluations, oversee new Director orientation, and monitor the effectiveness of Board governance policies and structure. While the Committee may provide recommendations to nominees for election to the Board for the state Association seat, the members of the State Association section have the final determination on such candidate’s nominations.  

Public Policy Committee: This committee shall recommend positions on key industry regulatory and policy matters, review and present for board approval the annual regulatory and legislative priorities and provide yearly feedback on NAHC’s performance in policy and advocacy.

Advisory Councils 

Advocacy Council: The NAHC Advocacy Council is responsible for developing consensus on initial policy positions on regulatory and legislative issues in home care and hospice. The Advocacy Council provides advice and direction to NAHC Staff on matters pending before Congressional and Regulatory bodies and recommends to the NAHC Public Policy Committee on issues pending before them.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Council: Review and respond to issues relating to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the home care arena. The DEI Advisory Council will work with the NAHC Staff and DEI Consultants on an in-depth evaluation of NAHC’s internal and external responsibilities relating to race, inequality, and increasing access to opportunities.

Education Advisory Council: The Education Advisory Council is actively working on building a timely and robust curriculum for the Home Care and Hospice Conference & Expo in October 2023. We are looking to form a small group to help identify content for the education sessions. This committee will review proposals with NAHC Education to finalize the education content and faculty. If interested in serving on this important committee, please contact Director of Education Amy Guberman at

Hospice Advisory Council: The Hospice Advisory Council (HAC) advises the NAHC Board of Directors and other relevant bodies on policy issues related to hospice care on behalf of hospice providers and individuals and families in need of hospice services. HAC promotes understanding of hospice with the media and the general public and represents the interests of hospice providers and patients before Congress, federal regulatory agencies, and the courts.

Home Care Technology Advisory Council: The Home Care Technology Advisory Council (HCTAC) was established to amplify the voice of the home care technology industry within NAHC and with Congress and federal regulatory bodies and to support the provision of affordable, practical, and untethered technologies that supplement chronic and terminal disease management and care coordination for our most vulnerable citizens to home health, hospice, and home care providers. Learn more about the Home Care Technology Advisory Council »

Mentoring Advisory Council: The NAHC Mentoring Advisory Council is comprised of members from the HHFMA Young Professionals and Women In Leadership committees who collaborated to build off the success of the HHFMA mentoring program. Advisory council members seek to pair individuals at the early and middle growth stage of their careers with current established home health, hospice, and community-based service industry leaders for a one-year structured mentorship to foster involvement and growth in the NAHC Community.

Palliative Care Advisory Council: To develop and recommend to the Public Policy Committee positions on key industry regulatory and policy matters pertinent to the evolution of home-based palliative care in the United States as a distinct specialty within health care. The Palliative Advisory Council (PAC) monitors and evaluates industry trends and emerging issues regarding the care of those with serious and/or life-limiting illnesses. The PAC members shall also provide policy standards and recommended opportunities for state and federal advocacy efforts where indicated when such advocacy aligns with NAHC policy objectives.

Pediatric Advisory Council: Established to develop and recommend to the Public Policy Committee positions on key industry regulatory and policy matters pertaining to the evolution of home-based pediatric care in the United States as a distinct specialty within health care. To develop consensus-based policy positions regarding pediatric home care and hospice services based on open and transparent input opportunities from NAHC members who are invested and motivated to advance pediatric health care at home.

Private Duty Home Care Advisory Council: Created to render more focused support services and to recommend positions on key industry regulatory and policy matters pertinent to the expanding private pay and non-Medicare home care industry. Areas of focus are advocacy, education, networking, and providing needed business services.

Rural Advisory Council: Established to provide insights into the needs of health care providers serving rural areas through integration with and support of NAHC committees and advisory councils to ensure that NAHC actions are consistent with the interests of rural providers. The RAC will develop and inform NAHC policy positions on legislative, legal, regulatory, and reimbursement matters that affect this unique patient population and their providers who are NAHC members. The RAC shall also support NAHC regarding education and member services in rural areas.

Task Forces 

NAHC Safety Task Force: Includes representatives from a diverse group of home care organizations across the US, with a unified mission and goal to improve employee safety for those working in the home and community, with a focus upon physical harm (e.g., weapons, aggressive animals) and harassment (e.g., verbal and digital).

Questions about submitting your application? Contact Raul Suarez, Director, Board and Member Engagement.