Providers have access to a knowledgeable and experienced team with whom they can interact on an individual basis to assist in understanding complex regulatory mandates.

Unraveling the complexities of OASIS, the home health prospective payment system, and most recently, the expedited determination process for original Medicare beneficiaries, are just a few examples of how the regulatory staff has assisted its members. NAHC continues to work with officials at CMS to bring forth provider concerns on current and impending federal regulatory and policy issues and their impact on the home health and hospice industry.

CMS Vaccination Mandate

Home Infusion Therapy Supplier

Review Choice Demonstration

Patient Rights Notice

Conditions of Participation

Emergency Preparedness

Home Health Statute and Regulations

After comments to a proposed rule are analyzed by the respective government agency, a final regulation is published in the Federal Register. These final regulations are what govern the implementation of Federal programs.

Beneficiary Notices

Home health agencies are required to provide notice of Medicare non-coverage of services to beneficiaries.

Medicare Home Health Prospective Payment System (PPS)

Home health agencies are paid prospectively, based on a case-mix system, for their services. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) offers detailed information about the PPS methodology and payment calculations on its web site.

Consumer Assessment of Health Providers and Systems (CAHPS)

The term CAHPS refers to a comprehensive and evolving family of surveys that ask consumers and patients to evaluate the interpersonal aspects of health care. CMS and AHRQ have developed a Home Health CAHPS tool for surveying home health patients. Results of these surveys will be publicly reported on Home Health Compare in late 2010 or early 2011. Participation is voluntary, but Medicare payments may be reduced for agencies that do not participate.