Patient & Families Information

Home Care and Hospice Agency Locator

Find the right provider through the NAHC Home Care and Hospice Agency Locator. The Agency Locator contains the most comprehensive database of more than 33,000 home care and hospice agencies. Learn More

Home Care & Hospice Basics

Since 1982, NAHC has vigorously protected the rights of home care and hospice providers and patients. NAHC is one of the leading health care trade associations and serves as the unified voice of our membership. NAHC advocacy is second to none and when we speak Congress and the regulatory agencies listen. Learn More

What Are The Standard Billing and Payment Practices?

When services are covered by Medicare and/or Medicaid, home care providers must bill their fees directly to the payor to Medicare or Medicaid. Providers often will bill other third-party payors directly as well. Any uncovered costs are later billed to the client. However, if a client receives services from a registry or independent provider, he or she must pay the provider directly. Later the client may file for reimbursement from the insurance company if the services qualify as covered benefits. Learn More

November is Home Care & Hospice Month

During November, the home care and hospice community honor the millions of nurses, home care aides, therapists, and social workers who make a remarkable difference for the patients and families they serve. These heroic caregivers play a central role in our health care system and in homes across the nation. To recognize their efforts, we call upon all Americans to commemorate the power of caring, both at the home and in their local communities and ask them to join with NAHC by celebrating November as Home Care & Hospice Month. Learn More