Business Analytics
Mission: To provide business analytics information to NAHC HHFMA members that better informs home health and hospice decision-making.
Role: The role of the Business Analytics Committee is to keep constant surveillance of business issues critical to financial managers, and through the pooling of Committee member resources, provide related data and analysis to NAHC HHFMA members.
Committee Co-Chairs
M. Aaron Little
Beau Sorensen
Committee Members
Chris Attaya*
Kevin Carter
Christine Lang*
Rob Simione*
Alan Blakeney
Mike Dordick*
Richard Corcoran
Beau Sorensen*
Keith Boroch
Valerie Cornett
Demitrios Panacopoulos*
Brian Lebanion
Tom Boyd*
Phillip London
Juli Meyer
Andrew Pagsisihan
Patrick Brown*
Patricia Gratton
Tyler Rardin
Doug Harrison
David Kerns
Jen Tom
Mike Welsch
Elizabeth Wilson
Jake Wood
Mission: To ensure the Home Health and Hospice Financial Managers Association (HHFMA) communication activities support the efforts of the National Association for Home Care and Hospice and are responsive to the needs of the membership and the professional at large.
Role: The Communication Committee serves as the group responsible for organizing, publishing, issuing or otherwise communicating activities and results of HHFMA Committees to the HHFMA membership and to the industry.
Committee Chair
Carolyn Flietstra
Committee Members
Patrick Brown*
Summer Napier*
Aaron Little*
Rob Simione*
Marcylle Combs*
Melinda Gaboury*
Jerry Peiffer*
Maria Warren*
Elaine Stephens*
Pat Laff*
Nick Seabrook*
Mission: To ensure the Home Health and Hospice Financial Managers Association (HHFMA) conferences, seminars, webinars and other educational activities support the efforts of the National Association for HOme Care and Hospice and are responsive to the needs of the membership and the professional at large.
Role: The Education Committee will conduct business of the committee through attendance at the annual workgroup meeting to develop programming for the annual conference as well as develop topics for presentation through other electronic communications (webinars and call with the expert). It is intended that the Education Committee leverage the experience, expertise, and insight of subject matter experts to build professionalism and understanding in matters pertaining to home health and hospice financial and operational management.
Committee Chair
Summer Napier
Committee Members
Umi Chahal
Cindy Krafft*
Paige Berogan
Diane Poole
Suzanne Krempasky*
Lorie Owens
Tammy Ross
Brian Lebanion
Dave Macke*
Alan Schabes*
William Simione, III*
Wayne Van Halem
Sherri Parson
Emily Payne
Jena Weitzer
Rene Wheaton*
Governance and Nominating
Mission: To ensure the Home Health and Hospice Financial Managers Association (HHFMA) advisory bodies (Advisory Board and Workgroup) perform optimally in responding to the needs of the membership and the professionals at large.
Role: The Governance and Nominating Committee (GNC) provides ongoing review and recommendations to enhance the recruitment, selection, orientation, training, and performance feedback for individual members, officers and these advisory bodies as a whole.
Committee Chair
Patrick Brown
Committee Members
Carolyn Flietstra*
Melinda Gaboury*
Pat Laff*
Jerry Peiffer*
Bill Musick*
Mission: To ensure the Home Health and Hospice Financial Managers Association (HHFMA) Innovations Committee supports the efforts of the National Association for Home Care and Hospice and are responsive to the needs of the membership and the professional at large.
Role: The Innovations Committee serves as a thought leader responsible for providing information, recommendations and topics of interest regarding financial management issues arising from ongoing changes to the home care and hospice industry. These will be provided to other HHFMA Committees, the HHFMA membership, the NAHC Board, NAHC committees, NAHC membership and the industry. The Innovations Committee will be a key contributor with significant positive impact in the industry’s adaptation to the changing marketplace in home care and hospice.
Committee Co-Chairs
Maria Warren
Carolyn Flietstra
Committee Members
Keith Crownover
Melinda Gaboury*
Steve Molinari
Steve Peterschmidt
Andrea Fairbanks*
Paul Giles*
Todd Montigney*
Amy Guberman
Joe Calcutt*
Tim Ingram
Bill Musick*
Laura Wilson
Marcylle Combs*
Cindy Krafft*
Sue Payne*
Kati Hale
Sarani Doshi
Trina Lanier
Jerry Peiffer*
Jordan Holland
Konnie Evans
Carissa McKenna
Glenn Tolchin
Angela Huff
Mission: To promote and advise on the benefits of HHFMA for purpose of recruiting and retaining active members in the association.
Role: The Membership Committee will conduct business through regular teleconference meetings and actively support the Financial Managers Annual Conference’s recruitment activities.
Committee Chair
Jerry Peiffer*
Committee Chair
Mike Freytag
Tiffany Karlin*
Mark Kulik*
Steve Molinari
Nick Seabrook
Kati Hale*
Tim Ingram
Stephanie Johnston
Payment and Reimbursement
Mission: To identify, research and study emerging home care and hospice payment and reimbursement issues to assist HHFMA and NAHC in the development of strategy, advocacy, and education on the corresponding payment and reimbursement issues.
Role: The Payment and Reimbursement Committee will conduct business through quarterly teleconference meetings to help identify emerging home care and hospice payment and reimbursement matters that the HHFMA Workgroup should address on behalf of HHFMA and NAHC. Where appropriate, temporary subcommittees or task forces will be established to focus on payment and reimbursement issues that have been identified as needing attention. Such subcommittees or task forces shall work with the Payment and Reimbursement Committee to develop the goals, appropriate forum for meetings, and timeline for desired results. It is intended that the Payment and Reimbursement Committee leverage the experience, expertise, and insight of subject matter experts to build workgroups to research and study home care and hospice payment and reimbursement issues to assist HHFMA and NAHC in the development of strategy, advocacy, and education on the corresponding payment and reimbursement issues.
Committee Co-Chairs
Nick Seabrook
RJ Gagnon
Committee Co-Chairs
Jeff Aaronson
Ted Cuppett
Erika Hamilton
Tim Rogers*
David Berman*
Konnie Evans
Brian Harris
Alan Schabes*
Tom Boyd*
RJ Gagnon*
M. Aaron Little*
Mark Sharp*
Bart Bybee
Andrea Fairbanks
Dave Macke*
Kinman Tong
Mark Cannon
Theresa Forster
Jason McClain
Bill Ulrich
Matt Chadwick
Patty Gratton
Summer Napier*
John Wittenberg
Mahmood Ismael
Donna Maloney
Phil Matro
Dimitri Panacoupulos
Jessica Rockne
Nick Seabrook*
Bhavesh Shah
Mike Simione
Katie Wehri
Mission: To review the National Association for Homecare and Hospice (NAHC) current fiscal year Legislative and Regulatory Blue Prints for Action.
Role: The Policy Committee will conduct business of the committee through attendance at the annual Financial Managers Conference and will evaluate the issues contained within the Legal and Regulatory Blue Prints for Action as to whether or not HHFMA should express a position and rate their effect as being short-term, long-term or both.
Committee Chair
Pat Laff*
Committee Members
Tom Boyd*
Marcylle Combs*
Summer Napier*
Women in Home Health and Hospice Leadership
Mission: The mission of HHFMA’s Women in Home Health and Hospice Leadership Committee (WHHLC) is to empower professional, energetic and passionate, female HHFMA members advocating for home health and hospice to elevate to leadership roles within HHFMA and the industry at large.
Role: The WHHLC will serve as a catalyst to promote women in home care and hospice financial management through networking, education, and leadership opportunities within HHFMA. WHHLC will support HHFMA efforts to be a change maker within the home health and hospice field. Any such events held by WHHLC will be with the objective to connect women to not just other female leaders but all leadership within HHFMA, empower more female leadership throughout the HHFMA, and inspire women by bringing together a diverse mix of home health and hospice leaders nationwide.
Committee Chair
Marcylle Combs
Committee Members
Natalie Alexander
Melinda Gaboury*
Molly Casey
Barbara Hanna*
Erin Masterson
Sarah Gainy
Tammy Ross
Deb Richardson
Gina Mazza
Valerie Cornett*
Andrea Fairbanks
Trisha Ritchie
Samantha McKay
Carolyn Flietstra
Erin Masterson
Trisha Ritchie
JuliAnna Meyer
Kati Hale
Lorie Floyd
Angela Huff
Sara Castillo
Cindy Krafft*
Michelle Kuna
Jess Stover
Umi Chahal
Geraldine Holmes
Jennifer Rad
Jena Weitzer
Kim Costello
Stephanie Johnston
Summer Napier*
Suzanne Krempasky*
Tiffany Karlin*
Maria Warren*
Trudy Peters
Elizabeth Wilson
Amber Popek
Young Professionals
Mission: To seek qualified young financial professionals, typically those under the age of 40 years old, who have established or are developing careers in the home care and hospice industries and engage those professionals in activities of the Home Care & Hospice Financial Managers Association (HHFMA) and National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC), including advocacy, education, membership, and other activities.
Role: The Young Financial Professionals Committee will conduct business through periodic virtual and live meetings to achieve its primary purpose of engaging qualified young home care and hospice financial professionals in the activities of HHFMA and NAHC. When appropriate, subcommittees or task forces will be established to focus on committee initiatives. The committee will also seek opportunities to collaborate and support other HHFMA and NAHC committees on respective initiatives.
Committee Chairs
Rob Simione*
Maria Warren*
Committee Chairs
Jarrett Bauer
Natalie Alexander
Erin Masterson
Anslee Cervenka
Matthew Crapanzano
RJ Gagnon*
Keith Dapprich
Konnie Evans
Aman Bhan
Chris Jenkins
Carl Luther
Michael Simione
Matthew Bork
Kati Hale*
Philip Matro
Jess Stover
Matt Chadwick
Brian Harris
Summer Napier*
Victoria Nihan
Matt Chalberg
Emily Payne
Andrew Pagsisihan
David Saling
Anthony Smith
Ben Sullivan
Demitrios Panacopoulos*
Kinman Tong
Amanda Thomas
Stavros Katsifis
Jena Weitzer
Alexander Van Gundy
Jeffrey Endermann
Ricka Willlett
Amber Popek
Eimee Wakefield
Katie Wenninger
Philip London
Mark Romano
* Indicates they are a HHFMA Work Group member.