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Innovations in Recruitment and Retention

January 24, 2018

Tuesday, January 30, 20183:00 PM – 4:30 PM Eastern

Program Description:

“Great vision without great people is irrelevant.” — Jim Collins.

The ability to recruit and retain great people is crucial to the success of each company. The unique challenges each new generation entering the workplace presents requires adjustments to recruiting and retaining each one. This program will present creative and innovative ways to approach this task.

Program Objectives:

  • Define 5 characteristics of the Millennial generation and how they affect the workplace.
  • Describe ways to recruit the Millennial generation
  • Describe ways to retain and develop caring employees in this age group

Program Faculty:

  • Carolyn Flietstra BSN RN
  • Marcylle Combs MS, RN, CHCE


Live Event plus Recording: Members – FREE, Non-members – $150

Recording Only: Members – FREE, Non-members – $150

Click Here to Register!


A recording of the event will be available after the event.


If you have questions, please email or call 866.863.3903 to have a representative assist you.