NAHC Newsroom

| Private Duty

Investing in Care in the Home

January 1, 1970

The National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) believes its most important role is to serve as untiring advocate for the millions of Americans who receive and provide the highest quality care in the home. Among the many lessons that must be learned from the current public health emergency (PHE) is that care in the home is a vital and irreplaceable part of the health care system. It holds the key to longer life, greater happiness and independence, and in times of crisis, it is a way to protect the most vulnerable citizens while also slowing the spread of contagion.

That’s why the time for greater public investment in providing care in homes and communities is now. Here are few of the priorities NAHC is fighting for.

Big Investment in HCBS Needed

NAHC believes that Medicaid home- and community-based services (HCBS) must remain part of any financial relief package that moves forward in Congress. A large investment is essential for building a sustainable HCBS infrastructure that can begin to address the magnitude of need by both increasing access to Medicaid HCBS and addressing the direct care workforce crisis.

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