NAHC COVID-19 Vaccine Resolution

December 10, 2020

WHEREAS, the COVID-19 pandemic has presented the world with unprecedented health challenges that affect every element of life;

WHEREAS, the health care community must utilize all resources available to provide care and to limit the spread of the deadly virus in the interest of public health and to be consistent with the ethical principle of “do no harm”;

WHEREAS, the home care and hospice community has been a leader in infection control while serving infected and non-infected patients;

WHEREAS, an emerging resource that may provide significant protection from COVID-19 virus infections is the availability and access to vaccine immunizations;

WHEREAS, the Advisory Commission on Immunization Practices at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended that vaccination of all home care and hospice personnel, along with other health care personnel, is the highest priority as a matter in containing and controlling the spread and impact of the COVID-19 virus;

WHEREAS, immunization of home care staff, both clinicians with direct contact with infected patients as well as all other home care staff, may help prevent transmission of the COVID-19 virus, reduce risks of infirmity and death among the home care patients, and protect health care staff so they may be available to provide care to the overall patient population in home care:

It is hereby RESOLVED that:

The National Association for Home Care & Hospice urges all providers of health care in the home to:

  • Encourage all home care and hospice staff to receive a COVID-19 vaccination at the earliest possible time consistent with vaccine guidance;
  • Provide the support necessary to gain access to vaccines for home care and hospice staff;
  • Provide access to comprehensive information and guidance to home care and hospice staff regarding COVID-19 vaccines to permit staff to make well-informed decisions regarding immunization;
  • Encourage and support the availability and administration of COVID-19 vaccines to their patients and caregivers in the home; and
  • Continue to employ the effective infection control measures that have been successful to date in addition to supporting the vaccination of staff and patients.

It is further RESOLVED that the undersigned members of the Board of Directors of the National Association for Home Care & Hospice pledge to take the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as it is available within the applicable designated group prioritization. 


Mary Myers, Chairman, President/CEO, Johns Hopkins Home Care

Mark Sharp, Treasurer, Partner, BKD, Ltd

Brittnei Salerno, Secretary, President/CEO, La Jolla Nurses Homecare

William A. Dombi, Esq., President, National Association for Home Care & Hospice

Kenneth Albert,  Esq., RN, President/CEO, Androscoggin Home Healthcare & Hospice

Jason E. Bring, Esq., Partner, Arnall Golden Gregory, LLP

David Causby, President, SVP Home Health, Kindred Care at Home

Melissa Jeremiah, Director of Operations, Hoosier Uplands Home Health Care and Hospice

Melanie Keller, CEO, Meritan, Inc.

Brent Korte, Chief Home Care Officer, EvergreenHealth

Craig Mandeville, Founder & CEO, Forcura

Sara Ratcliffe, Executive Director, Illinois HomeCare & Hospice Council

Sheldon Retchin, MD, MSPH, Senior Advisor to President, Health Sciences Administration, The Ohio State University

Denise Schrader, Vice President, Mosaic Life

William Simione III, Managing Principal, Simione Healthcare Consultants

Kathleen Sullivan, PhD, RN, Divisional Vice President, Post Acute Care Services, Dignity Health

Rod Windley, Executive Chairman, Aveanna

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