Welcome to Week Six of the 2023 Summer Backyard Advocacy Campaign!
The majority of U.S. Representatives and Senators are avid and enthusiastic users of social media platforms including Facebook and Twitter. Many of them even manage their own accounts and respond personally to messages. These digital platforms help them to understand what you, their constituents, care about and give them candid insight into the world around them. Social media, provides an easy avenue for advocacy, especially in a world where many of us continue to stay home to stay safe.
We encourage you to stretch your social media muscles and engage with your Representatives and Senators this week and throughout the summer recess using out each How to Guide.
Advocacy starts at home with you, your staff, patients, and families. You are first-hand experts on the issues and opportunities affecting home-based care and services, and your representatives need to hear from you!
Each week NAHC will also be highlighting one activity you can take part in to make some noise with your elected officials and ensure care-in-the-home provider communities have the support, protections, and resources needed to continue serving patients and families across the country.
We need your Voices, Hearts, and Actions more than ever before. #NAHCAdvocacy
The Summer Activity Timeline:
- August 9th: Facebook & LinkedIn Connections
- August 14th: Twitter & Instagram
- August 21st– Phone Call Frenzy & Virtual Connections
- August 28th – Flood of Letters to the Editor & Virtual Connections
- September 11th – Second Social Media Blitz: All Platforms
- September 19/20 -Legislative Fly-In (In-person & Virtual meetings with lawmakers)
- September 26- Letters to the Editors: Flood your local newspaper/blogs/magazines, etc.