Lee HealthCare Inc.
Lee HealthCare Services: Lee HealthCare brings exceptional service and care to patients through a comprehensive range of services including: home health, personal assistive services, private duty, home respiratory services, and durable medical equipment. Services are provided in a large area of North and Central Texas.
Home Health: At Lee HealthCare our goals for patients are their goals. Whether the goal is to walk to the mailbox, understand their medications, avoid hospitalization or just get stronger and more independent, we help patients reach their full potential by providing skilled medical care in the comfort of their own homes. Our team of nurses, therapists and aides are ready and willing to help make a difference. Learn more at www.leehealthcare.com
Personal Assistive Services: Lee HealthCare has a staff of quality trained Aides to assist with personal care tasks, housekeeping chores and respite needs. We participate in Veterans Service Programs, Alzheimer’s Services, Area Agency on Aging Services and most long term care insurances. From one hour of service to around the clock care, we provide customized services for the patient’s convenience and comfort wherever they call home.
Hamilton, TX 76531-1954
Agency Type
- Home Health
- Case Management
- Diabetics
- Enterostomal Therapy
- Geriatrics
- Infusion Therapy
- Pediatric
- Rehab
- Home Care Aide
- Nursing (RN LPN)
- Physical Therapy
- Social Service
- Speech-Language Pathology
- Administrator is a Certified Home Care/Hospice ExecutiveState Home Care Association Member
- State Licensed Agency
- Medicare Certified Home Health Agency
The information on this page is provided by the agency. NAHC does not warrant its accuracy or completeness.