NAHC Newsroom

Press Release | Hospice, Medicaid, Medicare, Policy

New Webinar on Keeping Up with the New Requirements for Hospice Cost Reporting

October 23, 2018


Media Contact: Thomas Threlkeld
Director of Communications

New Webinar on Keeping Up with the New Requirements for Hospice Cost Reporting

The National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) will present a new webinar, Improving the Accuracy of Hospice Cost Reporting:  The What and The Why of Recent Changes and New Level I Edits, on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM Eastern.

The 2013 overhaul of the hospice cost report by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) now requires significantly greater detail of costs, as well as a breakdown by level of care.  This data will be used by CMS, the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, Congress and others to guide future changes in hospice payment policy.

In April 2018, in response to industry recommendations, CMS announced additional modifications to the cost report for freestanding hospice organizations as well as Level I edits that are applicable for cost reports with years ending on or after June 1, 2018. The Level I edits demand greater accuracy; unless a hospice’s cost report successfully passes these Level I edits it will not be accepted for processing. While these edits are applicable only to the freestanding cost report at this time (CMS Form 1984-14), ALL hospice cost reports should meet these minimum data requirements to help ensure greater data accuracy and more informed hospice payment policy decisions.

In addition to information on the freestanding cost report Level I edits, this session will include information about comparable lines on the provider-based hospice cost reports that should contain data to ensure accuracy and consistency.

In this webinar, a leading industry cost report expert will describe:

  • The most recent cost report changes and how they will lead to more accurate financial reporting
  • The rationale behind each of the new Level I edits and why all hospices should have costs applicable to these categories
  • The vital importance of proper hospice accounting and cost reporting practices to future hospice payment policy decisions

Registration Fees

 Webcast and Recording
Member Fee: $149.00
Non-Member Fee: $299.00
 Recording Only
Member Fee: $149.00
Non-Member Fee: $299.00


Faculty:  William T. (Ted) Cuppett, CPA is the founder of The Health Group, LLC, which provides a vast array of financial and other consulting services to healthcare providers. For nearly 10 years Ted served as Home Health/Hospice Niche Leader for Dixon Hughes PLLC, one of the twenty largest CPA firms in the United States. Ted has served healthcare clients of all types since 1977, providing reimbursement consulting, merger/acquisitions assistance including acquisition due diligence, strategic planning, litigations support, and compliance consulting. Clients served include hospitals, nursing homes, home health agencies, hospices, RHC/FQHCs, and other healthcare providers. He managed numerous healthcare audit engagements on key healthcare clients while a Member at Dixon Hughes PLLC.


About the National Association for Home Care & Hospice

The National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) is the voice of home care and hospice.  NAHC represents the nation’s 33,000 home care and hospice providers, along with the more than two million nurses, therapists, and aides they employ.  These caregivers provide vital services to Americans who are aged, disabled, and ill.  Some 12 million patients depend on home care and hospice providers, who depend on NAHC for the best in advocacy, education, and information.  NAHC is a nonprofit organization that helps its members maintain the highest standards of care.  To learn more about NAHC, visit