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Press Release | Home Health, Hospice, Membership

The National Association for Home Care & Hospice Congratulates William A. Dombi on Receiving the 2018 HCA Advocacy Award

April 26, 2018


For additional information:

Thomas Threlkeld
Deputy Director of Policy & Communications

Washington, D.C., April 25, 2018: 

The Board of Directors of the National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) would like to congratulate its President, William A. Dombi, on winning the HCA 2018 Advocacy Award. The Advocacy Award recognizes a provider agency or person who took risks to improve the home care industry, clients and workers through their advocacy efforts.

Before becoming President of NAHC, Bill served as the association’s Vice President for Law, and is the Director of the Center for Health Care Law and the Executive Director of the Home Care and Hospice Financial Managers Association. During his over three decades of experience in health care policy and law, Bill has been involved in virtually every legislative, regulatory, and legal development in home care and hospice.

Mr. Dombi served as lead counsel in the seminal lawsuit that successfully reformed the Medicare home health services benefit and has litigated numerous other lawsuits on behalf of home care and hospice patients and providers of care.

NAHC is proud of Bill’s record of advocacy on behalf of home care and hospice and grateful to the HCA for bestowing this prestigious award upon him. We also know that Bill’s tireless efforts on behalf of home care and hospice will continue and the best is yet to come.


About:  The National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) is the voice of home care and hospice.  NAHC represents the nation’s 33,000 home care and hospice providers, along with the more than two million nurses, therapists, and aides they employ.  These caregivers provide vital services to Americans who are aged, disabled, and ill.  Some 12 million patients depend on home care and hospice providers, who depend on NAHC for the best in advocacy, education, and information.  NAHC is a nonprofit organization that helps its members maintain the highest standards of care.  To learn more about NAHC, visit